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性别: 演员 处女座





  Personal life  Born in Sudbury, Massachusetts, Evans is the son of Bob Evans, a dentist, and dancer Lisa.[citation needed] He studied theater at New York University.[2][3]  Chris Evans told The Advocate in February 2009 that his brother was openly gay.[2] In a June 15, 2009 interview with, Scott Evans discussed the fact that he had come out at age 19 before he had pursued acting professionally. He said, "I didn’t want to be one of those people who goes back into the closet and tries to hide because I knew it would come out. With the success of my brother, I didn't feel it was necessary to hide it once I'd come out. I'm an out person, as opposed to an out actor, I suppose."[2]  [edit]Career  Evans began playing the recurring role of police officer Oliver Fish on One Life to Live on January 15, 2008.[4] He subsequently appeared briefly on Guiding Light as Trey in 2008, and guest-starred as Woody Sage in the June 22, 2008 Law and Order: Criminal Intent episode "Betrayed" as well as the role of Ben in the October 21, 2008 Fringe episode "The Cure."[2] Evans was also seen as Chad the Mail Clerk in the 2009 film Confessions of a Shopaholic.  Initially brought in to One Life to Live for five episodes, Evans returned several times.[2] In July 2009 it was confirmed that his character Fish would become involved in a romantic relationship with another man.[5][6] The storyline came to wider attention when Patricia Mauceri, an actress who had played a recurring role on the One Life to Live since 1995, was replaced after reportedly voicing personal religious objections to her character's involvement in his storyline, which involved his character being romantically linked to another man.[5][6]  The Oliver Fish storyline on One Life To Live was canceled and Scott was let go. 演艺经历 2008年1月15日,斯科特开始在ABC电视台的日间肥皂剧《只此一生》里饰演警员OliverFish,斯科特最初在剧中仅有5集的戏份,但多次被剧组找回拍戏,随后又短暂的在《GuidingLight》里饰演了Trey一角。2008年6月22日,斯科特在剧集《法律与秩序:犯罪倾向》的《Betrayed》一集中客串了WoodySage(ScottWoodley)一角,同时饰演了ShaneBerlin。2008年10月21日,在FOX的剧集《危机边缘》的《TheCure》一集中客串了Ben一角2009年,参演电影《一个购物狂的自白》。2009年7月,斯科特扮演的角色OliverFish被证实会和一位男士产生一段浪漫的感情。在2010年度的AfterElton网全球100位最性感男士中,斯科特首次上榜取得第二名,在出柜最性感男士中也取得第六名。2014年4月1日,与克里斯·埃文斯共同参加《吉米·法伦深夜秀》。2019年11月4日,与克里斯·埃文斯再度共同参加《吉米·法伦深夜秀》。 个人生活 斯科特·埃文斯的家庭成员:父亲(BobEvans)、母亲(LisaEvans)、姐姐(CarlyEvans和ShanaEvans)、哥哥(克里斯·埃文斯)。他的父亲是一名牙医,母亲是一名舞蹈演员。他在纽约大学学习戏剧。2009年2月5日,克里斯·埃文斯在接受《TheAdvocate》杂志采访时透露了斯科特是一位公开出柜的同性恋。2009年6月15日,斯科特在接受AfterElton网采访时说到,他在19岁的时候就公开出柜了,这远在他开始追逐表演梦想之前。Scott在采访中还说道,“我不想成为那些躲在柜子里过着双面生活的人,我从来不想隐藏这些,因为我知道总有一天别人会知道。我的哥哥事业很成功,所以我不觉得我有必要对外去隐藏这些我早已经公开过的事情,我是同性恋,也是一名出柜演员,我这么觉得。”





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